Accredited Hose Testing Company

BET is Ireland’s leading Hose Testing company, accredited to ISO 17025, to conduct on-site Hose Testing in compliance with CWCT Section 9 and TN41.

Water penetration resistance may be tested to check workmanship or design using the Hose Testing methods prescribed in CWCT Section 9, TN 41 and AAMA 501.94 & 501.2-09.


BET is a member of the CWCT (Centre for Curtain Walling and Cladding Technology) and has more experience and expertise in Hose Testing than any other Irish Company. 

Although many cladding components and systems can be tested for watertightness in the laboratory or on a large-scale mock-up, these tests neglect a critical issue with watertightness – the impact of site workmanship.

Why Do Hose Testing?

The fabricator and installer of a cladding system are relied upon to ensure that the joined surfaces of components are cut straight, gaskets properly fitted, and sealants properly installed. However, the installer is often left to resolve intersections between joints, overcome inaccuracies in the as-built structure, and ensure proper sealing to adjacent cladding systems.

For this reason, it is often appropriate to test a small part of the installed cladding system to ensure that fabrication and installation have not in any way reduced the performance of the system and to check the performance of interfaces with adjacent systems that did not form part of the laboratory test.

Contact BET for all your hose testing requirements to CWCT Section 9, CWCT TN 41, and AAMA 501.94 & 501.2-09.

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